C&R Consulting have experience in most legislation applied to the environmental sector, such as the Environmental Protection Act, the Water Act (2007) and the Water Resource Plans and Resource Operation Plans governing irrigation and water use. We have a history of developing Environmental Management Plans encompassing such issues as water resource, water movements and acid sulphate soils (ASS)C&R help clients with compliance issues throughout the life of the project, from initial applications through to operation/development, and final completion or care and maintenance. Our clients, from several sectors, including mining, and private or commercial development, benefit from our multidisciplinary skills and in-depth knowledge. For advice on how to get your project on track for timely approvals and smooth operation, contact our compliance specialist, Sian Kennare.

Provision of a Contract Environmental Officer to Vale

N1 Pit Rejects (a)C&R Consulting have assisted Vale Australia with compliance management at the Carborough Downs (underground) and Broadlea (open-cut mine under care and maintenance) coal mines by providing a Contract Environmental Officer and/or Acting Environmental Superintendent on a part time basis. We worked to get approval for several Environmental Authority (EA) amendments; provided advice regarding Transitional Environmental Programmes (TEP); prepared Plans of Operations (PoOps) and waste and water management plans; conducted groundwater, vegetation, stream, soil and subsidence investigations; designed Rehabilitation Success Criteria; assessed Receiving Environmental Monitoring Programs (REMP); and provided interpreted geochemical modelling of tailings, dry rejects and water chemistry. Our approach ensures that we comprehensively address the environmental issues faced by our operational and non-operational mining clients.

Magnetic Island Pipeline

The proposed pipeline crossed a number of environmentally sensitive locations including a Dugong Protected Area (DPA), a coral reef flat, and a reasonably extensive mangrove system with significant Potential Acid Sulphate Soil material (PASS). C&R developed methods of impact minimisation to provide the client with a workable construction programme acceptable to all levels of government, and compliant under all relevant legislation.

Environmental Impact Statement

bandicootC&R performed a detailed Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on a proposed uranium mine site. This investigation was part of a feasibility study to re-open the mine. C&R commenced the collation of geological, mineralogical, environmental and hydrological data and assisted the client additionally with geological exploration input. The project also included petrography and geological evaluation to inform impact assessments; and GIS mapping of ecological, flora and fauna surveys. We have also aided several other mining clients with EIS submissions, including aquatic ecology, terrestrial ecology, surface water and groundwater components.

Environmental Authority (EA) and Transitional Environmental Programme (TEP) Applications

Venus_Phosphate_MineC&R Consulting have produced successful EA Amendment and TEP applications for several clients, thanks to our in-depth knowledge of environmental processes.  For an EA amendment application for a coal mine, we determined release rates and receiving environment conditions required for safe releases of mine affected water. These estimations comprised both simple calculations using the regulator’s preferred methodology (DEHP’s Model Conditions), and complex geochemical characterisations and advection-dispersion modelling to determine the length and breadth of mixing zones once waters are released. C&R also recently produced supporting documentation for a major EA amendment for a client to increase their phosphate mining operations. We first defined the processes involved with the proposed mining expansion, and identified the environmental values both across the project site and within the region. We then determined the potential impacts and level of risk posed to the environmental values of the project site, compiling a discussion of all schedules generally addressed within an EA: General requirements, Waste, Air, Land, Water, Regulated dams, and Noise and vibration. Our work incorporated regional expert knowledge and best practice to propose suitable mitigation measures and amended EA conditions for our client.

Development Approvals

Magnetic_IslandC&R developed applications under the Integrated Development Approval System (IDAS) for various developments on Magnetic Island for commercial clients. The site is a World Heritage listed island, adjacent to areas protected by international treaty. Developments were successfully assessed against local and regional guidelines, and State, Federal and International Legislation. We also navigated community and stakeholder liaison were navigated on behalf of the client.