During 2011 and 2012 C&R were engaged as liaison between a representative of the resource sector and the agricultural industry in parts of Queensland. C&R were advising on access conditions, development stages and compensation. It was recognised that many of the resource sector employees were not conversed fully in the requirements of The Land Access Code (2010) (The Code) to achieve the desired outcome therefore C&R developed a two-stage induction. C&R have developed a working relationship with Lennon Training, based in Emerald, QLD for the delivery of the inductions.

Stage 1: The Generic Land Access – for all workers and contractors who will be conducting works on the land under the Holder. The participant will complete only stage 1.

Stage 2: The Land Access Coordinator – The Coordinator between the Landowners and the Resource Holder. The participant will complete stage 1 and 2.

The Induction was developed to enable consistency of procedures between Natural Resources sectors, employees and Landowners in conjunction with the need for training as stipulated in The Code enforced by the Queensland Government. It is molded around The Code and Guide to Queensland’s New Land Access Laws (2010), in recognition of the statement “A holder must ensure each person acting for the holder, receives information and training specific to the obligations of the holder”.

Further to this, the Induction is to provide relevant information and facts on accessing properties to ensure the safety of all concerned, to protect the production methods of the landholder (including crops, stock, horses and wildlife) as well as increasing the potential for coexistence between the industries. The intention is to increase respect and knowledge of correct conduct of the workplace on such sites as privately owned agricultural land.

The information provided to the participants is from experienced Land Access Coordinators and Landholders. Practical components have been included to reinforce actions; these components include practical tools developed for the ‘paper to paddock’ scenarios. The induction has been through multiple reviews and is conducted by respected and trained Registered Training Organisation (RTO) qualified people.

The inductions will benefit the industry by providing consistency across the broad spectrum of personnel through its objectives which will be reflected in the outcomes.

Objectives of the Induction include:

  • Understanding the issues that bring Resource Permit Holders and Landholders into conflict;
  • Provide a professional understanding of The Code and the obligations of the Resource Holder and the Landholder under The Code;
  • Technical and administrative ability required to apply the Land Access Induction;
  • Knowledge to work safely in the new environment and productively;
  • Skills to positively engage with private Landholders; and
  • The tools to reduce conflict and increase positivity and productivity.

Outcomes of the Induction:

  • Better working environment and relationships between the resource sectors.
  • Consistency of procedure between advisors, landholders and workers.

These inductions can be presented at Lennon’s Training Facility in Emerald or Brisbane, on-site, Company head office or a nominated location (prices will vary).

If you would like further information regarding this induction please contact C&R Consulting or Lennon Training.