As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, C&R want to take this opportunity to thank all of our past and present clients and staff who have supported us and made the last 10 years both successful and enjoyable.

Looking back, we know the most significant input into the success of C&R has been the people who have been involved with our company; some only for a short while but who made quite an impact in that short time, and others who have stayed with us and beaten us into making sensible decisions. We want to take this opportunity to thank those people.

It only seems like yesterday, when Charlie asked Chris (the C of C&R) and Cecily (the R of C&R) to set up an environmental section at MacIntyre and Associates.  Cecily worked under her own name, and Chris worked under his company name of NLAMDA. After 4 or 5 years working under the successive name changes of MacIntyre, Maunsell/Macintyre, Maunsell, Maunsell/AECOM, and then finally AECOM, Chris and Cecily decided to venture out on their own.  In June 2003 NLAMDA changed to C&R.  Previous NLAMDA directors were written out and Cecily became the other co-director, and the name was changed to C&R.

The first office was a small area in McIlwraith Street, South Townsville.  Only Chris, Cecily and Ben worked there at the time.  By 2006 C&R had outgrown McIlwraith Street.  Cec Johnson’s properties on Ross River Road came on the market and C&R moved shop and have been there since. The company has grown from a mere three in a pokey office to 16 employees in three locations in Australia and one in London.

As the years progressed and C&R grew, certain clients, employees and friends made great contributions to shaping us into the company we are now.  Those special clients who have been with us seemingly forever – Many many Thanks – We wouldn’t be here today without you. There are also employees who are no longer with us, but to whom we owe a huge debt of gratitude.  To them we also offer our sincere thanks.  Again, we would not be the same today without any single one of them.  There are also the friends and colleagues who were there when things may have looked a little gloomy.  Their support helped get us through those days.  You have been there through most of it and you too have survived.  We would also like to thank our present staff.  You have weathered many storms with us.  The accolades that come our way are all yours.  We stand on very tall shoulders.   But we science nerds have to acknowledge the two who reign over us, beating us into submission – Jenni and Michelle.  They do the nasty bits so we can concentrate on the bits we like best – the science!

We have not forgotten our families who consistently provide the understanding, encouragement and support for the venture and risk we took.  We also thank the families of our staff.  Mostly they suffer quietly – sometimes exceedingly loudly – when we put in the long hours to meet a dead line.  We know the sacrifices you make so we can play in the science playground and we thank you from the bottom of our collective hearts.

Today, as we enter our second decade, we too are worried by the future, but we are also excited by the challenges that will face us.  We will continue to be shaped by our employees and our clients.  We acknowledge that the one thing we do well is surround ourselves with good people.  We are confident that the type of relationships we have, marked by trust, partnership, and true friendship, will continue, and that more long term relationships will be built.  Every one of you has helped shape this firm and we look forward to our continued mutual advancement.

 We will do everything we can to help you in that advancement.  We will help you find solutions to your problems, to lead you through the regulatory maze of guidelines, compliance requirements and audits that will face all businesses in the future.

We promise to give you the information you need – not necessarily the information you would like – to place you in the best possible position to assess the financial, social and environmental risks associated with your fledgling project.

And as environmental regulations adapt and change with time, we promise to keep you up to date with the implications these changes will have on your business.

Older projects with their roots firmly planted in the days before regulations were introduced are particularly vulnerable to the new requirements of the environmental authorities.  Background information is seldom available and without it older projects struggle to argue against the applicability of ANZECC levels on their project.  We not only understand the environment, we understand the chemistry and the physics that produce particular values that are often peculiar to specific areas.  We will use that knowledge and that understanding to help you develop realistic guidelines that are acceptable to the Regulatory Authorities.

As we move into our second decade, we will use the practical knowledge we have gained over the last 10 years, and we will continue to use scientific methods to increase that knowledge for your benefit.

Many Many Thanks.
Chris & Cecily.

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